Just a clay jar, doing my best to share the light

We have this treasure from God, this light shining in our hearts, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give up. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9
– prepping for Ohio

I really enjoy Tuesday mornings. Not so much the getting up early part but – more and more – the Bible study. These past few weeks I have been blessed with the company of over 20 men, and it has been inspirational to hear their faith and their insights in response to some of the questions I have posed.

This week we talked about how God challenges us to move beyond the limitations we place on ourselves, and into the possibilities that are released when we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us to capacity. Because what we believe is possible and what God has in mind for us are often miles apart.

As for me, I will be needing everything the Holy Spirit has for me as I prepare to travel next week to Ohio, where I have been invited to share some good news and encouragement with the First Christian Churches of Wadsworth and Medina.

Getting ready for the trip is pretty much my entire focus over the next few days, as I will be speaking a number of times: First at a Friday evening event, next for the men’s half-day retreat Saturday, then at Sunday school and worship to round things out.

Here is the short – 60-second – promo that’s currently running in Ohio. If you listen to it I hope some of my enthusiasm for the opportunity will come through.

– message for Ohio

Tuesday morning at men’s Bible study we talked about how God takes what we offer and elevates it – and us – to what is possible when we are filled with the love, the light and the passion of The Spirit.

I want so very much for God to fill me that way every time I stand in front of a crowd and have the privilege of talking about this treasure from God, this light shining in my heart: the grace, the peace, the mercy, the hope, the promise and the love of Jesus.

All I can really do is what Peter and John did in that story from Acts 4. “As for us,” they said, “we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

It’s true, I just can’t help myself – DEREK


  1. Derek,

    That is so awesome that you get to share the word with others! You can really sense God’s presence with you. May you be blessed with your speaking tour.

    God bless you abundantly,
    Aaron V. Lopez

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