“THIS GIRL” – Finishing 5th Grade with Style!

An understanding mind gains knowledge;
    the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15

last day of school: David (6th) Beks (5th)

All photos by Naomi Campbell

As I pointed out in yesterday’s post, there is a lot going on! Much to enjoy, much to share, and so much that touches us and inspires us and then it’s the next day and we’re on to something new.

But this is a story I cannot let go by without comment, because the news from Orlando is that our granddaughter, Beks, not only finished her 5th grade year but she did it with style!

No surprise here, as both her mother – Naomi, and her grandmama – Rebekah, established the tradition of adding over-the-top in the way of verve and sparkle to anything and everything they do. Why just get the job done when you could also add style… and glitter… and enthusiasm… and creativity… and flair… and spirit… and more…?

– you go, girl!

Other than the verve-plus part, Beks managed to be one of just a handful of kids to be recognized with the prestigious “Presidential Award”.

Okay, so Beks is super-smart and we are so proud of our granddaughter; but even better and more noteworthy is that she is respectful to her teachers and she is kind to the other children – including her three-year-old “force-of-nature” little brother Geoffrey.

So, “Mega Epic Congratulations” to the best almost eleven-year-old we know, the most excellent ready to be a middle-schooler girl in the whole wide world.

– born for the stage!

And David, we are so proud and happy that you not only survived your 6th grade year but thrived, with such confidence and success; honor-role kudos for you too! You kids really are the best!

But now it’s time for what looks to be the best summer ever, and you both get to spend a couple of weeks of it on the road with us. Stay tuned, y’all, for adventures to come!

But slow down already! I seriously don’t have any idea what happened to this lightening fast school year! Middle School for both of you already?? No way!!

Your loving Grandaddy DEREK


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