Struggle the good struggle

“This is a struggle, yes, but it’s still life and it’s still charged with light and goodness and peace and the gospel of love.”

Geoff, Mum (Grace), Dad (David), Derek

Monday afternoon my brother I got together with my Mum, my Dad, and my brother, Geoff for a cup of tea at their home in Sarasota. Here’s the image I captured – not a bad-looking crew for a cumulative 274!

We decided on meeting for tea because, first of all, we can – and that fact alone is worth celebrating. But the other purpose was to sit down together and talk about the latest challenge that has come our way as a family. It’s important that we all have the same information, that we’re all reading from the same page, and that we begin this particular chapter in the context of mutual love, support and prayer.

I’ve written about cancer before. A few years ago Geoff had to deal with a very aggressive prostate malignancy; then – in early 2010 – my cousin Linda passed away in her mid-forties. Well, the conversation is back front and center again because Geoff’s liver cancer has progressed to a point where getting a transplant is no longer a possibility. There never are a lot of good options when it comes to liver cancer, so crossing this particular threshold is a difficult place to be.

But make no mistake, this is still very much a post about the life-charged life. Because there are always two distinct options when it comes to facing tough times.

  • There’s defeat – something that can also be disguised as despair…
  • Or there’s the sure victory of the life that is not restricted in scope by the principles of mortality and decay. You’ve gotta love the way Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 15: “For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality….”

Good stuff for sure. But what has really been on my mind is the following passage from First Timothy 6: “But you, man of God… pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Rebekah preached on this text a couple of Sundays back. “I took a look at the Greek,” she said, “and I think the best translation in terms of today’s language is not ‘fight the good fight,’ but ‘struggle the good struggle.'”

The life that is good is often best understood in terms of ongoing struggle. Struggling is what we do when we’re faced with the reality of challenge. Life is all about challenge, both in the best of times and the not so good. If our experience was always a walk in the park, then it probably wouldn’t be the life-charged life.

  • We struggled with our children during those times when they were teens and things didn’t always go well…
  • Rebekah and I struggled when our marriage was in a tough place…
  • We have both struggled to make the most of our opportunities, to resist negative influences, to transcend the limitations of culture and stereotype, to live well and to live the Good News out loud…
  • When Jacob struggled with God at Peniel (Genesis 32) it was symbolic of life that is thoroughly engaged, that doesn’t avoid the tough challenges,that is anxious to live to capacity.

Struggle the good struggle: That’s the way I see our family dealing with what’s next. This is a struggle, yes, but it’s still life and it’s still charged with light and goodness and peace and the Gospel of Love.

We are clothed with the imperishable. We know the end of the story. It’s going to be Okay….

If you’re reading this, your prayers would be appreciated.

Peace – DEREK


  1. Our prayers are with Geoff and your family as you all keep your eyes on the great life to come and the best of life today.
    In His Love, The Owens Family

  2. Praying that Jesus will wrap you all up really tight in His arms of peace and love!! All my love, Chrisxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hello. I came to your blog courtesy of a link on Janice’s Facebook page. What you wrote about hit a note for my own situation, on a personal and family level. I am heartened by your words and the love for one another. My prayers to all of you and especially, Geoff.

    • Thanks, Kim.
      Glad to have you visit.
      I post 4-6 times a week, so feel free to come on back and read some more.
      Blessings – DEREK

  4. We loved your beautiful family photo. It has a look of caring connected family love. Thanks for sharing your family with us all and also the health issue news. i know the Lord is there for you as he was for my family when our struggles got real. HE WILL be there for each of you and your brother especially. “Great is Thy faithfulness, oh God my Father”, hymn says it all . You have my prayers, Geoff, and the family too. God bless you all. Clara

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