Minions, Boxing Day, and healing love


In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way we remember the Lord Jesus’ words: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

Minions for Rebekah!

Today there is so much more to post about than I can even begin to cover! So I’m going to have to space some of it out over the next couple of days. I can’t wait to share the pictures from the photo-shoot I did for the Campbell family – but for right now I need to talk about “Boxing Day.”

Boxing Day is the traditional British day-after-Christmas celebration. For my family, it always involved my favorite meal of the year – cold left-overs from Christmas dinner accompanied by hot baked potatoes, various vegetables, and salad, along with an array of English pickles.

Rebekah and I don’t do a Christmas turkey, opting instead for Christmas brunch. But, as we love Boxing Day, I still cooked a turkey and a ham so I could set them aside to anchor our festivities on the 26th! Consequently, by the time Naomi, Craig, and the grandchildren rolled in from Richmond, I had a most amazing spread ready for the most authentic version possible of our favorite meal.


img_7042Thanks to our Richmond family, “Christmas Day Two” turned out to be a much more exuberant gift exchange. At five and three, David and Beks are the most precious, precocious, priceless of children, and they have already learned both to give and receive with unusual grace.

Generosity, it turns out, is a deeply vested family value.

From getting grandmama Rebekah all the “Minion” movies, to gifting grandaddy Derek with a beautifully illustrated Jerusalem cookbook, the exchange was all thoughtfulness and love.

Most of all, though, it was the healing ministrations of the grandchildren, all over Rebekah pretty-much one hundred percent of the time, that turned out to be the best of all possible gifts.

Enjoy a few images from the day. Then “click in” later for the results of the remarkable photo-shoot at the park.

Peace, love, blessings, and the constant promise that is Christmas – DEREK


  1. […] I’m going to make an outlandish claim this morning… but I believe it’s justified. Here goes: The “photo-shoot” I’m sharing today comprises what are likely the best images I’ve captured in all of 2016. I’m only sorry that Rebekah was unable to come along, because having her in the pictures would have elevated them to another level entirely (if you need some Rebekah, there are a few good shots in yesterday’s post – Minions, Boxing Day, and Healing Love). […]

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