evangelism as a 30-second elevator speech

Today’s second post goes back to this blog’s ongoing commitment to discipleship:

“Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you. Look, I myself will be with you every day until the end.” – Matthew 28

More About Ministry Exploration at WFPC:

IMG_1731Sunday morning, during the discipleship hour at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, many of our ministry leaders manned booths offering information and inspiration as we get ready to kick off the fall.

Being a disciple, of course, is about walking with Jesus 24/7, we absolutely understand that. But “discipleship hour” is still a better name for what we’re up to, and how we encourage one another, than “Sunday School”.

Part of Sunday’s event featured “mission speed dating,” where leaders were given one-minute to present an “elevator speech” promoting what we’re passionate about.

Not only was this fun and informative, but it gave leaders the opportunity to think clearly about what we’re up to here at WFPC, and then communicate their enthusiasm by getting down to the essentials. It also turned out to be some very specific training for evangelism.

Enthusiasm is Evangelism!

That’s right, evangelism. Think about it. People tend to become unreasonably nervous when it comes to evangelism; but – bottom line – evangelism is simply a 30-second elevator speech about something you love. What evangelism is absolutely not is pressing a  cliché loaded tract into someone’s hand and getting them to recite The Four Spiritual Laws.

If you don’t love Jesus, don’t try sharing your faith; if you do love Jesus, then what’s so hard about capturing that passion in a few sentences?

IMG_1743Our job isn’t to make other people believe. Our job is to live and to act and to share like we believe.

This past Sunday we heard from so many good people who are animated with contagious belief. They believe in God, they trust in Jesus, and they are fired up about what they’re involved with here at the church.

I’ve included a few pics from the event. If you’re interested in worship at WFPC, you can see what services look like by clicking here – In Spirit and in Truth. It’s always a beautiful and uplifting experience.

There is – every day – so very much to be grateful for. Peace and more peace – DEREK


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