rhapsodizing on Southern (all-American) food: the BLT… and peaches… and ribs

1-DSC_0011I’ve already shared that I believe summer tastes like peaches. This year so far the selection at our favorite roadside stand has been just about the best ever. I love to slice one up and drop it in with my favorite Trader Joe’s cereal. That plus a tall cup of coffee and I am a happy man.

Then yesterday I was reminded that summer also tastes like North Carolina tomatoes. Best served, of course on a fat BLT. That was Rebekah’s request for her birthday lunch yesterdayith, presented with fresh North Carolina corn, shucked just before going into the pot because it was still growing most of the morning.

The Moment:

True story; I knew nothing of BLT’s when I was a child growing up in England. Then in 1975, mid-September, I traveled to the USA for my first visit. I was in Sarasota, happily jumping in and out of a swimming pool, when our host said, “Lunch! Derek, do you like BLT’s?”


“What,” I asked, “is a BLT?”

The sandwich was described, I took my first mouthful, and it was love at first bite. It’s a simple equation, but you don’t mess around with such a culinary masterpiece. The bread must be excellent, the bacon first quality, the lettuce crisp, and the tomatoes local with the flavor of North Carolina summer. Then – and this is not to be understated, the mayo has to be Dukes.

That moment in Florida marks the begining of my love affair with American cuisinne. Make no mistake, the simple must not be confused with the run-of-the-mill. Bread, meat, produce, dressing; we’re talking about the fundamentals.

Yesterday, being Rebekah’s birthday, finished out with one more most excellent tasty delight. Yes, she managed to consume an entire slab of ribs.


I was going to post some comments about my men’s small group study, but that will have to wait because the conversation – about mental health – was so deep and meaningful that it shouldn’t be paired with a BLT and a slab of ribs.

So come back for that one. It will be serious, but most definitely worth your attention.

Always a pleasure to chat with my readers. Ciao – Derek

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