Dogs, Flowers, and Sandwiches – this week’s Photo-Friday

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
    for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk,
    for I give myself to you.

Psalm 143:8

It is always interesting to review the past week’s photographs, and take note of what was left out when I was sharing other thoughts, devotions, opinion, and commentary. Sometimes I take photographs in order to help me express an idea or illustrate a point; then other times they are just interesting pictures.

I could happily photograph Max every day – he’s so ubiquitous, plus he improves every scene he’s in! There he is walking my mum back to her house. Then there he is on the deck, watching me do yard work. Then there he is trotting up to the mailbox with me in the middle a very hot day.

Max is also right there under the kitchen counter, just off camera, nose inches away from the sandwich, hopeful that something will spill, or that my attention will be distracted and give him an opportunity!

The lunch plate pictured is one of my favorites, and actually worth a “foodie post” of its own. Pork tenderloin, thin-sliced apple, sharp cheddar cheese, Duke’s mayonnaise, and lettuce between two slices of thick wholegrain bread. Served with fresh mixed fruit and a few crackers. Accompanied by a nice IPA.

Finally, two pictures of hydrangea and one day lily. Summertime may come with searing heat and fierce storms, but there is always something beautiful to focus on in the middle of the thick woods around our home.

Have an amazing weekend, friends, and remember – always – to be grateful – DEREK

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