An Open Letter to Our Grandson, Heading to Middle School

– “Mr. 5th Grade Achievement”

It has been a long time since I last posted an entry under the category, “The Grandaddy Letters.”

But this is important. Friday was our grandson David’s last day in elementary school. Yes, that’s right, at the end of summer break our first grandchild (we now have four) is headed to middle school.

I have to begin, then, with this quote from my original “Welcome to Earth” post from the day David was born: October 16, 2011.

My prayer is that you will grow into the kind of boy (and then man) who brings the light of God’s goodness and love into the lives that you touch. Your mama already has this gift. Learn from her, and learn from Jesus, who came into this world full with grace and truth, the very definition of light and life.

David did all this at elementary school and then some. He has been a stellar student, and an even more luminous human being. His teachers, principals, and school support personnel (in Richmond, Miami, and now Orlando) have all lauded David’s kindness to others, his polite and respectful relationship to school staff, and his contribution to a positive classroom atmosphere.

This all in addition to the fact that he has been a top achiever academically.

– David with a couple of his friends

You bet I am proud!

We are pleased to see how well David is using his smarts to learn, but we are most proud and thankful that our grandson is so genuinely grounded in love and grace.

Let me be clear about the pride. It’s not that I take credit for this good stuff or fail to give glory to God… but that I am so very grateful for our grandson, and I cannot help it but my heart is full to bursting, and overflowing with the good/grand feeling!

Proud? You bet! I am not backing down on that, I one hundred percent own and celebrate the satisfaction and the gratification – and the anticipation too.

Here is my letter:

My “Grandaddy Letter” to David:

– David and Beks (going into 6th and 5th)

Dear David. First, congratulations on all your recognition. You pulled in a lot of awards the last day of school, including Outstanding Academic Achievement in The President’s Education Awards Program.

Then, I am even more happy that you are such a great kid! There’s a Bible verse that talks about what happens when we live like we are God’s children. Here it is, and I see a lot of all this in you.

The fruit that the Spirit produces in a person’s life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these kinds of things.

Galatians 5:22-23
– David with Naomi

Okay, so there are maybe a couple you need to work on! But the secret it not so much working hard at “doing the list” and getting all stressed about “how good I am”, but instead making the choice to let love – God’s kind of love – rule your life.

When we make up our mind to follow Jesus that list (“the fruit of the Spirit”) is the result.

The Bible calls all this “fruit” for a reason. Because you don’t get fruit if you’re not connected – rooted – in the good soil! And the good soil is simply loving God and following Jesus.

-Geoffrey is watching his big brother!

So that’s it, really, for my latest “Grandaddy Letter.” You see you are growing up and – more and more – how the future looks is about the decisions you make. The big ones, yes – like what to study and what you want to be when you’re a grown-up and where you want to go to college – but the more important day to day decisions too.

In fact, it’s the small things, the choices you make every single day, that are going to make all the difference. So here is my “Take Care of the Small Things” list:

  • Let LOVE be your guide.
  • Be positive and enJOY your life.
  • Be someone who always makes PEACE.
  • Take a deep breath… … … … and be PATIENT.
  • Be a KIND person, both at home and at school (this may be the most important).
  • Be the kid who is known for GOODNESS.
  • Make FAITHFULNESS your middle name.
  • Act in a way that people think of David and GENTLENESS at the same time.
  • Then this last one, SELF-CONTROL, is impossible unless you ask – every day – for God to help you.

Oh, would you look at that, David! It’s all the same words from that Bible verse you made me think about. I think you are already halfway there (you know, “living on a prayer…”!).

– we are both so proud of you!

So back to the prayer thing. Every day; every morning; every lunchtime; every dinner; every night. And especially every time you are even a little bit worried, or happy, or angry, or impatient, or sad, of full with joy. Praying all the time.

Because I love you, David, we love you. You will always be our first grandchild – GRANDADDY DEREK

(“gallery” begins with David’s first day of school, 2016)


  1. Your letter to David was from your heart and beautifully worded. He is so lucky to have such a strong Christian granddaddy as a role model.

    • I appreciate it, Diana. Thanks so much. Can’t wait to see what’s next for him (and his brother and sister – and cousin)…..

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