Placing The Greatest Story in the Hands of Children!

– children’s moment at HMPC

Your words are so sweet to me,
    like the taste of honey!
I gain understanding from your instructions,
    so I hate anything that leads people the wrong way.

Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps,
    a light that shows the path I should take.
Your laws are good and fair.
    I have promised to obey them, and I will keep my promise.

Psalm 119:103-106

Walking into church Sunday morning, Rebekah and I were excited to see copies of the brand new “Children of God” edition of the Bible placed at both ends of each pew. We contributed to the special offering several months ago, but the project had slipped my mind.

We had also forgotten that many Raleigh area schools welcomed students back for the fall semester this week. So we got quite a charge out of the sizable herd of children that made its way down to the front of the sanctuary, many wearing their oversized school bags, for the traditional “Blessing of the Backpacks” at the launch of the academic year.

The children were excited, noisy, and enthusiastic; we are so glad to be part of a church that places such value in connecting every age with God’s good word. Presenting Bibles to second or third graders was always one of Rebekah’s great joys in ministry. “This is God’s word for you,” she would say to each child by name, along with words of encouragement. So you can be sure we wanted to be on board for these latest additions.

– God’s word for all children

After church we searched around a bit until we found the copy with our nameplate inside.

We dedicated this Bible to our four amazing grandchildren because – to us – David, Beks, Geoffrey, and Mr. T. represent all that is good and hope-filled, and bursting with possibility in this conflicted and war-torn planet.

Children don’t just give me hope, they define the word “Promise.” God has saturated them with so much love and purpose and goodness and grace and set them loose in this world to do great things!

– writer Derek Maul with Rebekah

So take all that, then teach them to know and love the scriptures, and oh-my-goodness what a gift they can be for all of our tomorrows!

Think of a child – of two or ten or more – today. Hold their image in your heart and then get down on your knees, and pray for them with all of your faith and hope and love. Because God has entrusted them to our care. All of them.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 

1 john 3:1

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