Photo Friday – Reflections on Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3
– Grace Maul September 8

I haven’t invested much time in taking photographs this week, but I do believe this collection will serve to lift your spirits and connect you with the good blessings of community.

My mum, obviously, is going to feature. This photograph was taken a couple of days after she came home from rehab and a couple of days before she returned to the hospital. The arrangement was brought to her by our friend Robin, and the flowers absolutely made her smile.

The next image is this quilt from the Transitions Hospice House where mum spent her final two days, able at last to experience a degree of comfort and peace. The butterflies are a wonderful symbol of transition into new life, and seeing them reminded me of a story I heard from the daughter of a friend in Atlanta; he was dying of cancer.

“Dad planted a butterfly garden,” she said. “But every time I visited, the butterflies seemed to be somewhere else. A couple of days after Hospice became involved I took a few minutes outside for a breath of air. Suddenly, literally thousands of butterflies took off simultaneously; the air was literally full with butterflies, it was stunningly beautiful. I paused for a moment to pray before going back inside. I already knew it was the moment his spirit left him and he was gone.”

The rock that reads “peace” was painted this week by a friend, Randall, who has always shared a very natural “ministry of encouragement.” On the back is the scripture reference from Isaiah:“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on you, because they trust in you.” He did not know it was one of my mother’s favorite verses.

Goodness and Kindness:

Next is the bulletin cover from Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, last Sunday. The vibrancy of color in the image of Mary spoke to me, in a moment when I needed something bursting with life even in the simple outline of the order of worship. In everything we do, I thought, let’s represent vibrant life rather than the bland and the uninspired.

Again, there were more flowers from dear friends. Then, finally, a photograph of our granddaughter, Beks, with her baby brother, Geoffrey. I honestly did not know – though I suspected – that this world could contain such beauty.

– with my friend Emmy, Sept 11

I am also blown away by the goodness, the kindness, the generosity, and the love of so many people.

So, there is, as always, a lot to be thankful for this week.

Mum’s memorial service, if you would like to either come to church or tune in, is Sunday afternoon at 3:00. Here is the Wake Forest Presbyterian YouTube Channel link – DEREK


  1. Such a week, Derek! But beautiful pictures. May you and yours be experiencing the strong comfort of God. God bless you real good, Martha Huntley

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