Not “rose-colored glasses” but a heart open to the Spirit of God

Those who pursue righteousness and kindness
    will find life, righteousness, and honor.

Proverbs 21:21
– “my favorite time of the year”

Here’s the scene at MaulHall Wake Forest, Monday morning. Max excitedly galloping around the front garden catching up on smells and such; Rebekah headed for the front door; me grateful that the azaleas are doing such a fine job covering up my overwhelming lack of yard work over the past four months.

So, yes, there are wheelbarrow loads of sticks and pinecones and other bits and pieces to pick up, but our general attitude of “giving the garden back to God” is working out fairly well considering.

I know that I say this probably almost every month, but: “This time of the year is absolutely my favorite!” Sometimes my declaration will be prompted by a field of daffodils or tulips; another time it will be a garden overflowing with hydrangeas; or maybe a snowy landscape in January; I have said it while driving through our neighborhood with the fall colors at their peak; or seeing the subtle color shifts in an early summer forest when the trees leaf out into a thousand different shades of green. But today I will tell you, confidently, that it is the azalea and the dogwood and that this – early April – is my absolute favorite.

Well, until my next absolute favorite.


Does this mean that I am inconsistent? Maybe the opposite? Maybe it’s that I am consistent in love and wonder and appreciation, and the wonder always finds something to latch onto?

– beauty all around!

Likewise, there are people who always lean negative. But I believe the counter – the antidote – to such a disposition is not “wearing rose colored glasses” so much as it is a heart open to the Spirit of God.

I believe systemic negativity is a kind of spiritual bondage. Likewise, the ability to see wonder and light and God’s goodness at play is very much a spiritual gift.

We live in a time when too many people like to play on the negative, accentuate and exaggerate the darkness, painting a portrait of the landscape of life that is not only grossly inaccurate but serves to invite people into a dark frame of reference that is unhealthy, destructive and counter to God’s promises.

Wonder and Promise and Hope!

Today is another spring day where it is easy to open our eyes and celebrate the explosion of new life all around us!

But, rain or shine, spring or winter, flowers or weeds… we must not allow our frame of reference to shift from God’s good gifts of grace and hope and redemption and freedom and promise and belief in the future!

– “Seeing the goodness of God…”

When we allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity and fear and criticism and hate, then we are denying the goodness and the grace of God. And I can’t think of a better time than now – basking in the joy of Easter – to remind ourselves of how blessed we really are.

Those who pursue righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor (Proverbs 21:21)

– In love and because I believe – DEREK

I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27:13-14

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