Four Photo Thursday #LifeIsGood

IMG_3742After yesterday’s long, words only, post (“Difficult Decisions”) , this morning I’m sharing a handful of simple photos for a quick and easy read.

SUMMER TASTES LIKE… First, while I am absolutely no fan of summer heat, I am all about what summer tastes like. And for me summer tastes like huge, fresh, juicy tomatoes; and it tastes like warm, sweet, fragrant peaches.

Summer breakfasts comprise cereal covered with sliced peaches, along with a mug of the best coffee. Rebekah and sit at the kitchen counter, review the coming day, share a devotional reading from The Upper Room, and taste the sweetness. It’s not just the peaches that are sweet, it’s living this good life together, encouraging one another, and sharing the hope and the promise that we know with the world around us. We are truly blessed.

It’s not just the peaches that are sweet, it’s living this good life together, encouraging one another, and sharing the hope and the promise that we know with the world around us. We are truly blessed.

IMG_3738YUMMY RECIPE! The tomatoes can crop up anywhere, breakfast lunch or dinner. I like to slice them generously as an extra vegetable, and they were perfect with the meatloaf burgers I prepared last night.

Here’s the quick recipe. Combine a half pound of ground beef, a third cup of fine breadcrumbs, a large egg, a little garlic powder, a teaspoon of dijon mustard, some Worcestershire sauce, and a squeeze of ketchup. Mix well.

Make two fat patties, then cook them slowly in an iron skillet. Serve on a browned potato-roll. Slice baby redskin potatoes in half and shake in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped sage, and chopped rosemary. Place the potatoes on a baking pan and bake at 450-degrees for 25 minutes. Serve with sliced tomatoes.

Simple, very very good. I recommend iced-tea or a pale ale as the accompaniment.

IMG_3507-001CRICKET: I often joke that all I need is a chalkboard and 20 minutes and I can explain cricket to anyone. With our grandson David all I needed was a bat and a ball. Well, that’s all he needed. Rules? Maybe another time.

I have some great cricket stories, but that will have to wait for another post. Today the photograph says it all. I can’t wait to play any kind of ball with my grandson!

MY NEW BOOK: Finally, the launch phase of my new book is a mixture of painfully slow and occasionally encouraging.

The slow part is awareness. Literally thousands of churches throughout the USA and Europe have groups of men who would benefit hugely from reading this book together. Only they don’t know it exists.

So much of the material available for men’s Bible study today is slanted unreasonably toward sexism, gender inequality, and the political inclinations of the evangelical right. This book simply looks at the question, “What does the Bible tell us the image of God looks like when it plays out in the life of a Christian man?”

IMG_3740At just eight dollars I’ve kept the price as low as I possibly can (the book includes a group study guide). So I’d like to encourage all my readers to get a copy, and also to tell other people about this study.

Here’s a link to the book on Amazon. It’s even cheaper if you go for the Kindle version. “IN GOD’S IMAGE: What The New Testament Teaches About Being a Man”

As always, I appreciate this ongoing conversation we’re engaged in through writing – and reading – this blog. May God continually bless you through his mercy and grace – DEREK




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